Croeso i Mentora ITM – Welcome to MFL Mentoring

MFL Mentoring supports young people in Wales to explore their world by promoting better local, national and global understanding through free language mentoring and resources.

Understanding Changes Everything.

Want to participate with us?



Are you a secondary school in Wales? Do you want to improve attitudes towards languages in your school?

Apply Here
University Students

University Students

We are looking for students from any university in Wales from any discipline with a love for languages! Sound like you?

Apply Here

Teacher Resources

MFL Mentoring provides free multilingual teaching resources for bilingual, Welsh and English-medium primary and secondary schools that support delivery of the Curriculum for Wales.


Keep up to date with our latest news via our social media and get involved with the conversation!

So true! Exposing younger learners to language and culture is so important for curiosity and confidence! We are so excited to be launching our pilot project, Primary Mentoring in October to get more young learners excited about languages, culture and big adventures! ๐ŸŒ

Have you had a look at our brand new MFL Teacher Resources? ๐ŸŒ

Each resource has a primary - and secondary school version and is available in English and Cymraeg! Check them out! ๐Ÿ‘‡

๐ŸŒYmarferwyr ITM๐ŸŒ
Mae bellach modd lawrlwytho'n hadnoddau ITM i athrawon! Bydd yr adnoddau'n gymorth i ddysgu IRh yn rhan o'r CiG newydd ac mae modd eu haddasu i siwtio anghenion eich ysgol chi! Lawrlwythwch yr adnoddau yma:

๐ŸŒMFL Practitioners!๐ŸŒ
You can now download our MFL Teacher Resources! They will support you in delivering International Languages in the CfW, and are editable so that you can adapt them to reflect your school's unique context! ๐Ÿ‘‰

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