Love Reading aims to motivate and inspire young learners to embrace the power of reading.
In 2024, the Love Reading project will deliver a Professional Learning Programme to empower primary school teaching staff and practitioners to foster and stimulate a love of reading amongst their learners, with a particular focus on learners in years 4-6. Love Reading is funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Cardiff University in partnership with Bangor University.

The training will encourage school practitioners to discover fun and varied ways of supporting their learners to engage with reading across the curriculum areas of learning and experience. The training will be available in English and in Welsh and it will be free to access for all primary teaching staff in Wales. There will be a core programme on offer, with further optional sessions also available. Spaces may be limited.
Seeing the world through a reading lens
This core online training workshop will help participants develop their knowledge of, and practical strategies for, fostering reading motivation in their school by “seeing the world through a reading lens”. There will be a session for teachers and school practitioners, and a session aimed at senior leaders.
The session for teachers will help participants to:
- Explore their learners’ reading motivations and attitudes
- Discuss ways in which reading can be incorporated in practical ways across different subjects
- Develop confidence in being creative in their reading every day, throughout their lives and sharing this with learners in fun ways
The session for senior leaders will help participants to:
- Consider how to develop a school-wide culture of “seeing the world through a reading lens”
- Understand the Love Reading approach and the benefits it can bring to their school.
- Understand research and theory related to reading motivation, to better support school improvement plans for reading.
You can sign up to the learning session which best fits your role within your school. Once you’ve completed this core workshop, you will have access to the full Love Reading Learning Menu.
Book your place on the Love Reading learning sessions:
Love Reading Learning Menu
The Love Reading Learning Menu is a free, accessible blended learning environment which will include online learning sessions, self-guided learning and access to a range of practical resources for participants to use and adapt in their own school context.
To get access to the Love Reading Learning Menu, book your place on the Love Reading learning sessions.
Love Reading Mentoring
In 2023, the Love Reading Mentoring project empowered and upskilled university students to deliver 6 original, engaging and fun mentoring sessions in 12 partner primary schools. Data from the project’s external evaluation highlighted:
- a 36% increase in those who feel ‘happy’ or ‘very happy’ about reading after completing their mentoring sessions.
- a 5% increase in reading confidence after the mentoring sessions.
- an increase in reading frequency, with an 11% increase in mentees who now read ‘a few times a week’ following engagement in the mentoring sessions.
This project has inspired the development of the Love Reading Professional Learning Programme.
You can contact us at if you would like to find out more information.
I didn’t used to like reading but Love Reading has made me feel more confident reading and don’t just give up on a book. You need to read more to know more.
Love Reading Mentee, 2023

Improving standards of oracy and reading is essential for all learners, no matter what their socio-economic background, to be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and experience to reach their potential.
Minister for Education and Welsh Language, March 2023.