Mae Mentora ITM yn ganolfan arloesedd sy’n sbarduno prosiectau newydd a dylanwadol er mwyn cefnogi addysg yng Nghymru.
A hwythau wedi’u modelu ar waith ymchwil seiliedig ar dystiolaeth Mentora ITM, mae’r prosiectau hyn yn dangos pa mor hyblyg a pherthnasol yw ein dulliau mentora a dysgu arloesol. Maen nhw’n amrywio o brosiectau peilot sy’n profi dulliau newydd o weithredu, i brosiectau sydd bellach yn ffynnu ar eu pen eu hunain.
Love Reading
Love Reading
The Love Reading Mentoring project uses the principles and theories of mentoring to build learners’ motivation and confidence in reading.
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Primary Mentoring
Primary Mentoring
Multilingual Mentoring in Primary Schools is a pilot project modelled on the MFL Mentoring project that will be delivered over the 2024-25 academic year.
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Physics Mentoring
Physics Mentoring
The Physics Mentoring project was modelled originally on the MFL Mentoring Project, adapting the methods and approaches that had been successful through this project to increase the number of female learners opting to study Physics at higher levels.
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