Firial is a project officer and officially joined the team in June 2024, after being the project’s longest serving mentor (4 years!). She is now responsible for managing the mentoring placements that take place across Partneriaeth and Mid Wales. My…
Alexandra Nita
Project Manager – Love Reading Mentoring
Lowri Evans
Specialist Translator
Beth Mumford
Project Coordinator
Glesni Owen
Operations Manager
Ana Carrasco
Project Coordinator
Becky Beckley
Education and Translation Manager
Professor Claire Gorrara
Academic Lead
Lucy Jenkins
Lucy has been the project director since 2017. She works closely with the whole team and loves to develop new and innovative ways to support International Languages throughout Wales. What I love the most about the project are the people…
Laura Corillon
As the Social Media and Digital Content Officer, Laura designs, creates and shares everything you see on the project’s digital platforms and helps the team with all their design needs. What I love most about the project is its approach…